Leadership literature introduces a confusing bevy of definitions for a concept that people have pondered since the beginning of civilization and that scholars have explored scientifically for more than a hundred years. Attempting to add yet another definition would not clarify an elusive concept, but analyzing leadership through various perspectives might help provide insight into a complex phenomenon. The leadership section will

  • Consider different understandings of leadership from ancient times through contemporary dialogues.
  • Summarize the traditional and contemporary theories that have emerged through the scientific study of leadership.
  • Explore emerging perspectives that apply discoveries in neurological psychology and complexity theory to understand leadership more in-depth.
  • Analyze critical concepts against personal challenges in 30 years of leadership roles in manufacturing, high tech, finance, property management, and higher education.

The leadership section concludes with a discussion on the relevancy of scientific leadership research in practical applications. Scientific knowledge does not translate into effective leadership. However, findings from scientific research can provide leaders with insight, awareness, and tools for enhancing their ability to influence others. For others, research can give knowledge on how to inoculate themselves from undue influence.